Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meal Time Nap

Luke woke up at 6:00 this morning, so needless to say, he was very tired. We ate lunch at 11, but it wasn't early enough. He could barely get his lunch down as he was falling asleep. Thought you all would enjoy this too:)


jacksonfamily said...

Sar, I seriously sat laughing out loud watching that!! It is so precious. I can't believe how happy he is being so sleepy. So so cute, thanks for posting, it made my day!!

Addi said...

Oh - seriously...he is so adorable!! :)

Jeffrey and Tiffany said...

Hilarious! When do you think we lose the ability to sleep eat? Sometime I think that would be an advantage...accomplish two things at once. Thanks for sharing!

eyedoc2004 said...

That was too funny!

The Barnes said...

This had me cracking up!!! He is so sweet. Hopefully he napped well.