Sunday, April 3, 2011


There are days, the past few in particular, when I struggle with the significance of the things I do. It is a challenge for me to voice these thoughts, but I do so with the hope of being an encouragement. I am confident that I am not the only woman and mother who battles with her own thoughts of self-worth. My sweet Jesus, when I finally decide to surrender to Him, always reminds me that my worth is in Him.
This past week was filled with much at-home time. The kids and I were sick with colds, and by Tuesday morning we were on our last box of kleenex and my positive attitude was getting wiped away with each snotty tissue. I hate it (as I'm sure all moms do) when my kids are sick. I feel like the world should stop because I'm worried about them. I get sucked into our house and our life and our little sickness. I do not feel like, or look like, a good wife. I wonder what I should be doing to be more productive. I feel like I can't go anywhere or get anything done. I feel like my house is a wreck. I think about all the things I'm missing out on. I feel like I should be doing more to contribute to our income. I feel tired and wish I could get some alone time and some rest.
Did you notice how many times I said "I"? Yeah, I did too. As the week came to an end, I began to think rationally again; I finally prayed to ask God to forgive me for my selfishness and to give me a confidence in my role as a mom. I was in such a sorry fog that I forgot to pray FIRST. When I did, God reminded me of a few very significant things.
* I have such an encouraging husband.
* My kids sickness is temporary. They have healthy, self-healing bodies. Praise God!
* I can praise him during sleepless nights because my baby loves to see me:)
* I am blessed to be HOME with my kids.
* I have an intelligent mind to teach my kids, and to be creative in ways to contribute to our family's income. It doesn't have to be with a salary.
* Mike has a wonderful job.
* I will leave the house again:) (sounds silly now, I know)
* Spring is just around the corner.

Thank you, Jesus, for forgiving me and for reminding me.


Brian said...

hey sarah,

i am sure that all moms feel the same way you do! i had one friend who told me she would have given $100.00 to get a full night's sleep when her kids were little! sleep-deprivation is one of the toughest things that happen to parents of young children!

i'm looking forward to spring too!!

love, colleen

Melissa Hoffman said...

AMEN! We are going through a sickness battle here too and I am SO sick of ALL the rooms in my house. That was an encouragement to me Sarah! Love ya girl... hang in there and I will too :)